Data Model

OmegaCAM employs a very strict data model which is detailed in the OmegaCAM User Requirements, Calibration Plan and Data Reduction Specification documents (see Documentation pages).

The model defines all classes, both for deriving calibration data and processing image data.

The model involves several pipelines:

  • image pipeline (from RawImages  to CalibratedImages)
  • photometry pipeline (derive ZeropointCalFiles from CalibrationObservations)
  • FlatField pipeline
  • various pipeline (derive CalFiles for Bias, Gain, NonLinearity)
  • back-end pipeline (derive SourceLists, combine them, query, and tell me everything option)
The overall data model and pipelines are sketched in the following figures
Date Title Origin/Authors Format Access
12 Nov 2001 ASTRO-WISE Detailed data model  Boxhoorn .ps public
19 Nov 2001 ASTRO-WISE abstract pipelines  Boxhoorn .ps public