
OmegaCEN is data centrer hosting data for various astronomical projects:


MUSE-WISE hosts the data of all 255 GTO nights. It stores the raw data and provides default processed calibrations and science data.


EUCLID DPS will store all EUCLID data.


MicadoWISE will store all Micado data.

Astronomical Wide-field Imaging System for Europe

OmegaCEN logo NOVA logo AIFA logo OAC logo USM logo ESO logo Terapix logo

a partnership of (co-ordinator) OmegaCEN - NOVA at Kapteyn Institute, Groningen - NL
EU logo SNN logo Target logo Netherlands Research School for Astronomy - NL
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Bonn - D
Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli - I
This system was developed as part of the Target project. Target was supported by Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN) and the Groningen Municipality. The project was financially supported by the European Fund for Regional Development and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (Pieken in de Delta), the Province of Groningen and the Province of Drenthe. Universitäts-Sternwarte München - D
ESO, Garching bei München - D
Terapix, IAP, Paris - F

An on-going project which started from a FP5 RTD programme funded by the EC Action "Enhancing Access to Research Infrastructures".
Astro-WISE Online
cit_racks_thumb.png dataservers_thumb.png Overall storage and user statistics
Online storage: 929 TB (870 TB used)
Number of files stored: 88670292
Database accounts: 329
Total queries1: 13319803
1sum for all databases since their last restart

News is coming soon !



Rotation speed & direction

Show data observed until: