Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte - I
Date |
Title |
Origin/Authors |
Format |
Access |
01 Jun 2005 |
The VLT Survey Telescope: a status report |
Capaccioli et al. |
.ps |
public |
28 Mar 2008 |
VODIA Manual |
Silvotti-Getman |
.ps.gz |
public |
01 Mar 2006 |
The VST data processing within the GRID |
Pavlov et al. |
.doc |
public |
03 Nov 2006 |
Astro-Wise OAC tutorial* |
Getman et al. |
.tgz |
public |
* This tutorial includes power point presentations plus a text file with
practical exercises to reduce completely a set of data from raw data to
astrometrically and photometrically calibrated images. Global astrometry is
included in ppt presentations (showing also the results of some
recent tests done at OAC) but not yet in the exercises.
Finally, the last part on VODIA and photo z is not yet included in this